Saturday, January 10, 2009


This one ajita had asked for her niece. . i hope she likes it. . had a really tough time makin 'W' look like 'IK'. . hoping tat u all might be able to read it. .


  1. hey
    grt, thank u.....she would be really excited...

  2. yet another brillient work from farhan i think its great and the name is quite clear. the kind of calligraphy used in this ambigram is totally fresh and and different from the previous.

  3. just one word... awesome.. can you teach us how to make ambigrams??? and for a favor could you make one for the name Anant?

  4. @anant:
    thanks. .
    teaching is something difficult. . there is site which found out frm some ambigram group. . it generates ambigrams of the words u want. . its useful to begin with. . but with only u can better it. . will find out the site n give u. .
    well as soon as i make will upload urs. .
    thanks one again. .
    f A r H a N
